It’s Bali baby


This is why i'm in love with Bali

My first time visiting Bali is on 2019, i guess. i do really love this beautiful place. Bali is heaven. i love the culture. The people, are you kiddding me? they're so friendly and humble. Don't forget about beautiful view that God has created in this island, perfect!!

Here's a things, why i think you should visit Bali. Even just once in your life.

1. The Beach, sun, and stuff.

 Sanur beach at 6 a.m
The sky become the most beautiful colors i ever seen in my life when morning comes. The sounds of a wave is so calm and strong at the same time. The wind smooth enough totouch my feet. i'm in love with sunrise that rise that beautiful day. 

2. Relaxing vibe

Nusa Dua at 5 p.m
lucky me. i got a very convy hotel that have a location nearest with the beach. it was very calming. there's have a chair that you can use to enjoy the view at afternoon. trust me, is really most beautiful and relaxing situation to be in.

3. Cool Water Sport

You can play like Jet ski, Banana split, and others. well you have to paid first. i think its little bit unfair. cause for tourist and local has a different price. so yeah... deal with it xixixi.

4. Tradional Caremony

The Locals have a caremony almost everyday. For me its very intersting to see. cause you probably not find it in another place. its so cool to see people wearing their traditional costume and wear like beautiful flower on their head (woman). i just love seeing that tradional things. very appreciated it.

well, i think thats only top 4 you can get from me. my first write. hope u enjoy it :)

let me know you here by saying 'Hi' to me at




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