My POV about Asia

"Asia is a Continent with highest curiosity of other people"

everyone are talking about each other, does not value other privacy, and judging everything based on one source. let me tell you why.....

based on my perception as a humanbeing who is born, leave, and grow in Asia, i was raising around cultural that has made hundreds or even thousand years ago. People around me try so hard to keep the traditions and stuff. But, are they realized? we leave in new era. with technology and globalization.

lets start with patriarchy. 

a lot of countries in Asia who recognized as a developed country. no offense, but not for me. yes, the countries are developed. but what about the mindset? are all countries who recognized as a development country is rated based only on economy growth?

the point about a country is the people. no matter how big the country is or how many natural wealth that they earn, but if the people can't build a 'good' image that become face of the country, is being underrated. undevelopment. 

People who think like patriarchy think, they mind set definitely not open minded. they doesn't fit in this era of life. Only men can lead? nonsense! all souls of human deserves same right. no offense  to men, but woman can lead too. 

as human. man can do everthing. also woman, we can do everything. But there is still a lot of people that dedicated themself to believed in culture, they dont realize that they mind set as same as Pathriarchy. 

Woman have rights to say 'yes' or 'no' in proposal of marriage. Woman have rights to dont wanna pregnant. Woman have rights to go to school till be a professor. Woman have rights to dont wanna wash disehes or cook. Woman have rights to wear a tiny dresses. Woman have rights to cry whenever we want. Woman have rights to smile to stranger. Woman have rights to wear make up. Woman have rights to do activities that human do.


Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. Wikipedia

They said, Say no to racism. But they only said it on mouth. not even entered their minds. They tread people based on where they from. they judge people based on their skin color. In my religion God created humans with the same. Then why people who impossible have Power as god tread other people differently? see? Nonsense!

Racism are Closed mind set. unbelieveable. as a social humanbeing. Human need each other. for survive in this earth human need to respect each other. doubt? try me.

Chinnese. Indian. Black. NO!!!! they are human! we are human!


don't you paid attention? 6/10 most of cyberbullying are from Asian. People here said what they wanna say. Sometimes we dont realize what we type and say can cause sufferes to others. meddling in people's business, very Asian. 

We have to know and realize. people have their own struggles. they also have their own way to finish their bussiness. We not born to judge other people life.

be kind to others. say a nice thing. thats not that hard. 

be human that really human.

Thanks for read  :)

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